Adding Health Insurance

It strikes me that moving to a single payer national health insurance supported by payroll deductions would be a boon to small businesses. At the scale of small operations like ours it is a huge hurdle to add this essential benefit. So much creativity is trapped in jobs working for corporate America that would otherwise thrive on smaller teams. Not only does providing this benefit serve a draw for talent, as well as a magnet to retain that help, it is simply the right thing to do. But how to get there from here?

Bethany’s Table has decided to take the plunge. For us, this is a “devil take the hindmost” moment. We desire to rebuild our restaurant on a more sustainable foundation. Will the mid-five-figure annual investment be scraped from the ever-thin bottom line? Or will it eventually increase profitability by allowing us to attract and retain quality staffing? Regardless, it’s time. It’s the right thing to do. The pandemic taught us how blessed we are to be surrounded by such a great group of individuals that enable our business, even in the toughest times. 

In order to take this step, beginning in the New Year we are instituting a Health and Wellness surcharge of 2% to be added onto every dine-in check. The proceeds from the surcharge will be divided, half to reduce the company’s financial burden and the other half to reduce the employee contribution. Bethany’s Table will pay 70% of the premium and the employee’s 30% contribution will be reduced by the surcharge to as low as $25 per month based on current volume.

Why didn’t we do this sooner? Fear? Lack of imagination? Perhaps. Regardless, we hope that your knowledge that the individuals striving to create a world class dining experience are making living wages and that your dollars are being used to meet their family’s needs will be just one more reason for you to choose Bethany’s Table.

Thank you.

David, Janet and the Bethany’s Table crew


Wine Dinners at Bethany’s Table


November News